Friday, September 2, 2011


"Sleep's been stalking me for too long to remember."

"Vandals, junkies, you name it, they get near the building and Flaze will lunge at them like a pitbull raised in a crackhouse."

-Mark Z. Danielewski's House of Leaves

"The sky was coconut ice cream."

"Main street buzzed behind her like gnats around a licorice whip as she grimaces, weary of my idiocy,"

"Horror, in my heart. I won't cry. I will. Not. Cry... Didn't cry. Honest. Until I picked up the bag."

"Everything she says has a pin in it. Even the nice things. She was trying to be nice, wasn't she?"

Chip Kidd's The Cheese Monkeys


  1. I'm really glad you're taking on House of Leaves. I'm excited to hear what you think of it as you get farther into the novel.

  2. How did you like "It's kind of a Funny Story"? I saw the movie and I thought it was one of the greatest ever, but the movie is always a bit different from the book.

  3. Mr. B, it was great! I had it recommended to me by a friend and I really enjoyed it. I actually haven't seen the movie, but you will probably like the book more. The book is always better than the movie. It's a fairly quick read too.
